Sunday, May 24, 2009

Wonderful feedback from Mother's Day

It almost seems so long ago now, but Mother's Day was quite an event this year. Definitely no sleep in for this Mum of one as I packed up my gifts at 6:00am to be a part of the Mackay Troppo Markets.

I had completed my Mother's Day deliveries on the Saturday before so could focus my attention on the huge market day ahead of me (thank goodness!) and arrived home Sunday afternoon to find some fabulous feedback that I have to share with you all.

Samantha from Ball Bay had purchased her Mother one of Hamperific's signature Chocolate Bouquets which also included a foil balloon. Even I will admit that it looked stunning and had that many chocolates even a chocoholic would have struggled!

In her email Samantha says: "Just thought I'd send you this photo of mum with her beautiful hamper. She absolutely loves it and I have had so many people ask me about it and you so you may get some more enquiries sometime soon. Thanks so much again, it is such a beautiful hamper and you certainly have put a lot of work into it which is great."

So here is a pick of Rhonda enjoying Mother's Day with her Chocolate Bouquet. Doesn't it look delicious?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Celebration dates

I hope all you Mums out there had a lovely, relaxing Mother's Day yesterday!

I spent most of the day at the local Troppo Markets meeting lots of happy Mums who were out and about making the most of their day...

Now Mother's Day has passed I wanted to let you know about my new page on Hamperific for Celebration Dates. The idea behind this is to keep one place where the major reasons to celebrate are all in one spot.

So you can even bookmark it and keep ahead of when events such as Father's Day falls.

I would love to add to this list with other celebrated events, so please make sure you let me know of others that you celebrate so I can put them on the list!

Check out the Celebration Dates page and let me know!

Have a happy Monday!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Hamperific's E-Newsletter out now

Thanks to all of you who have checked out my Mother's Day gifts online and given me feedback, it is all very much appreciated!

I also wanted to let you know that I have finalised my first ever E-Newsletter that makes mention of the Mother's Day gifts that I have added to the web, with one more gift that is available to E-Newsletter subsribers only.

If you would like to join the mailing list, subscribe online at or drop me a line at

I intend to send out the E-Newsletters only when I have a complete range ready. There is nothing worse than getting 10 emails from the same organisation when 1 would have been enough!

The next edition will include information about upcoming baby gifts, eco-friendly gift boxes and some other great new products I have been able to source.

It will also hopefully include an update about how I am going to go national (scary!!).

Be safe and enjoy your weekend!